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Member since 02/2010

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~ Culinary Q&A & Kitchen Therapy Too (9/3/10) ~

Culinary Q & A #2 How nice, I actually did receive both a comment and a question here on my very first Culinary Q&A Friday! 

It is later than my promised 3:00 PM EST time response, but I just got and read these and decided to reply immediately... rather than waiting a week until next Friday!

I really do hope this becomes a popular feature of my Kitchen Encounters on T.G.I.F...riday!


Gloria says:  I remember that library of cookbooks and am proud to say that I have even contributed a couple of books... looks like it's overloaded... you are doing a magnificent job girl, keep going and never give up.

Kitchen Encounters:  How wonderful to hear from you Aunti Glo!!!  Yes, you have contributed several books to my "overloaded" library.  As I always say, one (especially me) can never have too many cookbooks.  One very noteworthy item you to gave to me was an 8" x 5" file box filled with ethnic recipes.  I use it ALL the time as a reference.  More than that, you have given me MUCH LOVE and SUPPORT over the years.  Love, your crazy niece, Mel.

Jeanne asksMel, I have a question about convection ovens.  I just bought a table top which I love but I am not sure at what temp. to bake my cookies also how long.

Kitchen Encounters:  Jeanne, you're going to love your new convection oven.  Here's what you need to know specifically about convection-baking cookies:  Lower the oven temperature by 25 degrees (if your recipe says 375 degrees, bake at 350 degrees) and reduce the baking time by 2-3 minutes.  When convection-baking cookies, the real time-saver is:  you can bake 3-5 trays of cookies at one time (depending upon the size of your oven).

"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti

(Commentary and Photo courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2010) 


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Hi Mel, I have a question about marinading salmon. I marinaded a salmon filet in brown sugar, butter, wine, and lemon the receipt calls to marinate for 6hours. The question I have is, do I cook the salmon in the marinade or do I remove it from the marinade and just cook the salmon?

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