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~ Double-Lemon & Vanilla-Kissed Pizzelle Cookies ~

6a0120a8551282970b015438a65255970cPizzelle, which is plural for pizzella, (pronounced with a "ts" sound, like "pizza") are large, thin, embossed wafers that are formed using a special iron.  They get their name from the Italian word "pizze", meaning "round and flat".  It is said they were born in central Italy and were served to honor important government celebrations and family weddings because they are so beautiful to look at (not to mention delicious).  Historically, each family's pizzelle iron was embossed in the center with the family crest or other symbols of specific meaning, which indicated that each cookie was made by hand, and, these irons were passed down from generation to generation:

Pizzelle_antiqueAntique irons, like the one pictured here are very hard to find and can be quite expensive, $100-$300.  The traditional iron is made of cast-iron, and in effect is a double skillet intended to be held over an open fire until the cookie is baked. Modern versions of these are easily found and cost much less, $50-$70.  They are lightweight and really easy to maneuver.  In todays home kitchen, traditional irons are simply held over a hot burner on the stovetop.  That being said:

PICT0243For $50-70 you can by an electric pizzelle iron, like mine, which is pictured here.  It works like a waffle iron and I would never consider trading it for a traditional iron.  Once it is preheated, I place my cookie dough on the surface, close the lid and in less than one minute, a perfectly baked pizzella emerges. A little red light on top even goes on to tell me when it's done.  

Did I forget to mention how much easier the after-baking cleanup is? These machines are seriously well-worth the investment!













10  ounces unsalted butter, melted (2 1/2 sticks)

4  cups unbleached, all-purpose flour

1  teaspoon baking powder

2  large lemons, about 5 ounces each (yield, about 4 tablespoons zest)

4  large eggs, at room temperature

1 1/2  cups sugar

3  tablespoons pure lemon extract, not imitation

1  tablespoon pure vanilla extract, not imitation

PICT0260~ Step 1.  In a 2-cup measuring container, melt butter in microwave. In a medium mixing bowl, stir together the flour and baking powder.  Using a microplane grater, remove the zest from the lemons.  If you have more than 4 tablespoons of zest, use it, as it will simply add extra flavor to the cookies.

PICT0266~ Step 2.  In a large mixing bowl, on medium speed of electric mixer, beat the eggs until frothy, about 2 minutes.  Add the zest, sugar and both extracts.  Beat until smooth.






~ Step 3.  Add the flour mixture, a little at a time, continuing to beat and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula, until all of the flour is incorporated.  In a thin, steady stream, beat in the melted butter.  A thick, soft, sticky, yet workable cookie dough will have formed.




~ Step 4.  Preheat the pizzelle iron. Using a 2 1/2" ice cream scoop as a measure, place a generous scoop of dough in the front center of the the wedge-shaped grill grid located closest to the back hinges, meaning:  slightly towards the back of the machine, not dead center.

Slowly close the lid, squeeze the handles and clip them closed.  Do not hold the handles while the pizzella is baking, as escaping steam can burn you.  Bake for about 50 seconds.

PICT0284~ Step 5.  During the baking process, use a paring knife to trim ragged edges of any dough that oozes from the sides of the iron.

Note:  Placing the pizzelle iron on a piece of parchment paper paper or 2-3 layers of paper towels prior to preheating it, will catch all of these greasy shavings and make cleanup a breeze.  Can you imagine doing this on the stovetop?



~ Step 6.  Unclip the handles and carefully open the pizzelle iron. You will have a very lightly browned, soft, pliable, delicate cookie.  

Using a large spatula, gently slide the pizzelle from the iron onto a cutting board (or directly onto a cooling rack if you are making small, individual cookies).



~ Step 7.  Using a large knife, cut each cookie, while they are hot and soft, into four pieces.  Repeat the baking process, until all of the pizzelle are baked.

As you work (baking, cutting, etc.) transfer the cookies to a cooling rack to cool completely.  Pizzelle can be stacked on top of each other because they cool quite quickly.  

Store in an airtight container in a cool dry place for up to a one week.  

PICT0325Double-Lemon & Vanilla-Kissed Pizzelle Cookies:  Recipe yields 10-12 large, 7" round cookies, and when each is cut into quarters:  40-48 smaller cookies.

Special Equipment List:  1-cup measuring container; microplane grater; hand-held electric mixer; rubber spatula; pizzelle iron, preferably electric; parchment paper or paper towels (optional); 2 1/2" ice cream scoop; large metal spatula; cutting board; chef's knife; 17 1/2" x 12 1/2" cooling rack

PICT0286Cook's Note:  It is worth mentioning that my pizzelle batter/dough will work with any traditional pizzelle iron or any another type of electric pizzelle iron.  The irons, however, come in all sizes and shapes -- I have three with the one I used today being my favorite.  You will have to adjust the amount of batter used for each pizzella, according to the surface of the iron you are using.  The baking time, however, will remain very close to the same. 

"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti

(Recipe, Commentary and Photos courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2011)


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Have a electric, iron which makes 2 round cookies, I got my from Ace Hardware and have found them in many hardware stores. also have an older one that only made 1 cookie at a time on the stove

Tom -- my machine, which is almost 35 years old, still works great. If it ever stops working, you will be the first to know. I will hand it off to you, for free, and, if you can revive it, it will be yours!

If you have a used Vitantonio Pizzelle Maid Electric 400 iron that has stopped working I would be interested in buying it. I may be able to repair it to have a useable pizzelle iron.

Valerie -- I bought my Vitantonio Pizzelle Maid Electric 400 about 18-20 years ago. Research has revealed they no longer make that model, but, you might find one on E-Bay or Etsy. I hope you find one!

where can I find a pizelle iron that you used to make the double lemon and vanilla kissed pizelles

Janet -- as I have explained to everyone (read the other comments) who has asked me the same question, I bought my electric pizzelle iron 18-20 years ago. It is a Vitantonio Pizzelle Maid Electric 400. To my knowledge they no longer make this model, but, I think you stand a good chance of finding one on E-Bay or Etsy. I hope this helps. If you find one, leave a comment back here, as everyone would really appreciate it!

I would like to know where to get that same pizzelle pattern maker thank you

Kitty! I will continue the search. If and when I locate one, I personally will purchase it (to make sure it gets into reputable hands) and post it here for at-cost purchase. In the meantime, keep looking on sites like E-Bay and Etsy -- they do pop up occasionally. ~ Melanie

I have the same question as Daniel. Your iron is the same pattern as my grandmother's. My mother and I used it until last year, when it finally died, and was too old to be rewired again. We've gotten sentimentally attached to that cookie pattern, so if you found a new one somewhere, I would love to know where or the model number.

Danielle! Mine is a Vitantonio Pizzelle Maid Electric 400. I have had it for at least 18-20 years. After a brief search on the internet, it looks like a few are still available on places like E-Bay, and, more specifically, I found one at a place called: I do hope this helps. Please let me know if you find one!!! ~ Mel.

Where did you buy this pizzelle iron? It is the exact same design that my grandmother used to use, but I haven't been able to find a place to buy one. Can you tell me the brand/model number?

Thank you,

Plumbing! When pizzelle are hot off the iron, they are soft and pliable. As they cool, they turn into crunchy, waffle-like cookies. In fact, they are so soft when they come off the iron, they can be wrapped around a cone-mold to cool and then filled with cannoli filling, or, even used as ice-cream cones!

Are these similar to pancakes? You can choose also from different patterns when you make them.

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