~ Milk-Chocolate-Lovers Nestlē-Crunch-Bar Cookies ~
The Nestlē Crunch Bar -- creamy milk chocolate chocked full of crunchy-crisped rice. As one who has always preferred milk to dark chocolate, it, along with the Reese's peanut butter cup (milk chocolate and peanut butter) is at the top of my "favorite candy bars of my youth list". As with several other favorites, for an adult activity, I prefer to chop up said candy bars and bake cookies with their bits and pieces -- I prefer a cookie to a candy bar and I adore a candy bar in a cookie.
"Candy-bar cookies" and sweet treats made with my favorite candy bars are some of my favorite cookies to bake -- and what's not to love about a cookie that evokes childhood memories. Amongst all my other cookie recipes, it seems it's the candy-bar cookie recipes that get made the most often, and, get eaten almost as fast as I can fill the cookie jar -- a couple here, a couple there, and in a day or two, poof, they've disappeared. Try my: Whoppers Milk-Chocolate Malted-Milk-Ball Cookies, Chewy Coconut & Crispy White-Kit-Kat Cookies, Over-the-Top Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies, and, Chocolate & Peanut-Butter-Snickers Cookie Squares. Today I'm adding my Nestlé Crunch Bar Cookies to KE. Long story short, it is an amped-up spin-off of The Original Nestlé's Toll House Cookie recipe.
Milk chocolate + crisped rice = simply irresistible cookies:
2 1/4 + 2 tablespoons cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon each: baking powder and baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup salted butter, at room temperature, very soft (2 sticks)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup firmly-packed dark brown sugar
2 teaspoons pure chocolate extract
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
18 ounces Nestlē Crunch Bars, chopped into morsel-sized 1/4" pieces
~Step 1. In a small mixing bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside. In a large bowl, place butter, sugar, brown sugar and both extracts. On high-speed of hand-held mixer, beat until creamy, about 3 minutes. Beat in eggs, about 1 minute. Lower mixer speed and gradually beat in the flour until a smooth, sticky dough forms.
~Step 2. Using a large rubber spatula, add and fold in the chocolate pieces. Using a 1 1/2" ice-cream scoop as a measure, drop cookies, well apart, by rounded tablespoonfuls onto each of 4, parchment-lined, 17 1/2" x 12 1/2" baking pans.
~Step 3. Bake, one-pan-at-a-time on center rack of 325º oven 13-15 minutes, until light-golden. If you like cookies a bit chewy, do not bake until golden. Remove from oven and use a small spatula to transfer to wire cooling rack to cool.
What could be better than eating your favorite candy bar?
Eating a cookie made from a favorite candy bar.
Milk-Chocolate-Lovers Nestlē-Crunch-Bar Cookies: Recipe yields 5-5 1/2 dozen cookies.
Special Equipment List: cutting board; chef's knife; hand-held electric mixer; large rubber spatula; 4, 17 1/2" x 12 1/2" baking pans; parchment paper; 1 1/2" ice-cream scoop; wire cooling rack
Cook's Note: Hold the chocolate candy and everything you can put in a chocolate cookie to impress me. Don't sprinkle them with sea salt, slather them with caramel frosting or sandwich them together with buttercream. It won't work. As a foodie who lives in the blog world where everyone strives to make every recipe unique, in my kitchen, every once in a while, plain is the best flavor of all -- especially when ~ I'm in the Mood for: Plain-Jane Chocolate Cookies ~.
"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti
(Recipe, Commentary and Photos courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2019)