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~Crisp, Crunch, Betty, Cobbler, Grunt, Slump & Buckle~

6a0120a8551282970b01bb08befa39970d-1Our forefathers' wives. the true mothers-of-invention, invented several amusing words to define our now vintage American-heritaged fruit desserts -- none of which, uniquely, fall under the category of pie.  It's a short list.  Seven words that can confound even the savviest of bakers.

Seven words that can confound even the savviest of bakers:

crisp is a fruit mixture topped with a crispy crumb or streusel (a streusel contains oats, a crumb does not, which makes it crumbly).  If a crisp has a bottom crust, it's called a crunch.  To turn a crisp or a crunch into a betty, the fruit gets layered between slices of buttered bread or bread crumbs and aromatic spices.  To turn a crisp into a cobbler, mix up a rough, "cobbled up" biscuit-like topping and plop/drop it on top of the fruit.  For a grunt or a slump (very similar to a cobbler), cook berries on the stovetop and listen to them make a grunting sound while they cook, then watch them slump under the weight of the topping.  To bake a buckle, you need to stir fruit into a buttery-rich, coffeecake-type batter and top it with streusel, then, bake it and watch it buckle (sink down) in the center as it cools due to the liquid in the fruit -- now that's got to be a sinking feeling.

As they say, "it really is all in the name!"

6a0120a8551282970b01bb08befa39970d-1"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti

(Recipe, Commentary and Photos courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2021) 


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