~Grillmarked -- Things to Know about NY Strip Steaks~
Grill season is upon us. For us carnivores, this means picking up a few of our favorite steaks and lighting the fire. In my food world, my favorite steak to grill is the ribeye, for a multitude of others: the New York strip steak. The strip steak is known by several names: New York strip steak, ambassador steak, strip loin steak, Kansas City strip, club steak, or the Omaha Strip, but, most people call it New York Strip. Why? That’s where it had its beginnings – in the great steakhouses of New York City. It and the ribeye steak, along with the filet mignon are considered to be the high-end cuts of boneless steaks, but, the filet mignon, which does not contain enough fat is least likely to succeed over the dry, open flame of any seething-hot charcoal or gas grill grids.
What part of the cow does the New York strip steak come from?
In the event you're asking what part of the cow does the the strip steak come from, "in butcher speak": The New York strip is cut from the short loin subprimal, which is part of the loin primal.
The loin primal is the source of many premier steak cuts – including the filet mignon. When the tenderloin is removed from the short loin, the strip loin remains. This subprimal is only about 16-18 inches long and yields 11-14 steaks, depending on thickness. The strip is cut off the beef short loin to produce a boneless steak. If the butcher leaves the strip loin and tenderloin intact through the short loin, the short loin transforms into T-bone and porterhouse steaks.
What's the best method to cook a New York strip steak?
New York strip steaks are among the easiest to cook on the grill but it's worth mentioning they do well under the broiler or in a cast-iron or grill pan on the stovetop too. They can also be quickly seared in a skillet and then transferred to a 425° oven to finish cooking. No matter how you decide to cook them, be sure to let them come to room temperature on the counter for about 60 minutes (or a minimum of 30 minutes) before cooking. This will ensure they cook evenly at any thickness. Just prior to cooking, pat them dry in a paper towel, which will ensure they sear quickly. Lastly, season with salt and pepper or steak seasoning just prior to placing on the hot grill.
"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti
(Recipe, Commentary and Photos courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2023)