~Fresh vs. Canned: How Pineapple Reacts w/Protein~
It's natural to assume fresh fruit is better than canned, and, if you're eating fresh pineapple, fresh not only tastes better, it is indeed better for you and your digestive system. That said, nothing is more disheartening than taking the time to prepare a marinade for your favorite protein made from fresh pineapple juice, or, folding a cup or two of diced pineapple into a favorite casserole and have the protein rendered mushy. The cause is an enzyme found in fresh-cut pineapple.
No matter how you slice it, dice it, or hollow it out:
Why did my marinated meat (poultry, seafood or fish) turn to mush?
The enzyme's name is bromelain (in papaya it's called papain and does the same thing), and it is a powerful tenderizer. It plays a key role in the digestive process, most notably, breaking down tough protein chains -- it's sold in supplement form in health food stores as a digestive aid. It's why: 1) Pineapple processors wear gloves and masks (as it eventually eats away at the flesh on the hands and face). 2) When cutting up pineapple, if poked by a spiny edge, it's common to develop itchy skin &/or a sore. 3) Pineapple, on its own, won't form a jam or jelly.
Bromelain, the enzyme in fresh pineapple, is a powerful tenderizer.
Tenderizing protein is good to a point, but, when fresh pineapple juice is used in or as the marinade, the enzyme works fast -- in as little as 30 minutes for poultry and meat, and, in the case of fish, 10 minutes. That's great if time is short and the clock is ticking. That said, if fresh pineapple chunks are stirred into a casserole, if left to sit just 1-2 hours prior to baking, it renders the protein mushy -- a problem when things need to be done in advance. While keeping the marinating protein or the casserole mixture refrigerated will slow the enzyme activity down:
Here's the information every cook needs to know:
Bromelain is heat-inactivated. This means: If fresh pineapple is cooked first, separately from the protein, (prior to marinating it with or stirring it into raw or cooked protein), the bromelain gets neutralized -- this neutralization is achieved during the canning process, and, can also be achieved by grilling pineapple chunks or pieces, or, simmering fresh pineapple juice, crushed pineapple or pineapple purée. So, if you want to buy some time in order to marinate your protein a few hours ahead or put your casserole together the night before, either cook the fresh pineapple first, or, without compromise, bypass the fresh produce department and head to the canned-fruit aisle.
Oh My Thai Chicken and Pineapple-Fried-Rice Casserole:
"We are all in this food world together." ~ Melanie Preschutti
(Recipe, Commentary and Photos courtesy of Melanie's Kitchen/Copyright 2024)